
Greenville Mobile Pantry Food Distribution

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

If you are an income-eligible Mercer County resident in need of food assistance, Mercer County Food Bank is hosting a Mobile Pantry Food Distribution at St. Johns Lutheran Church, Greenville on Thursday February 13th from 11am – 1pm or until supplies last. For more information, go to www.mercercountyfoodbank.org.

10 Beil Hill Road, Greenville



Scout Troop 733 Spaghetti Dinner

3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

The boys and girls from Scout Troop 733 will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February 15th to raise funds for their scouting program. Dinner will be served from 3:30pm to 7pm at New Wilmington Presbyterian Church. The scouting program teaches youth life long skills, provides training opportunities, and encourages youth to serve their communities. For more information, contact Jen at jblasko7@gmail.com

229 S. Martket Street, New Wilmington



Reynolds Mobile Pantry Food Distribution

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

If you are an income-eligible Mercer County resident in need of food assistance, Mercer County Food Bank is hosting a Mobile Pantry Food Distribution at Reynolds Drive-In Theater, Transfer on Friday, February 21st from 12pm – 2 pm or until supplies last. For more information, go to www.mercercountyfoodbank.org.

3706 N. Hermitage Road, Transfer



Nevin's Hunting Friends 7th Annual Fundraiser

3:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Nevin’s Hunting Friends, a non-profit organization helping special needs and disabled youth get outdoors for hunting opportunities, is holding their 7th Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, March 15th. The fundraiser will be held from 3pm to 10pm at Lyndora American Legion Hall in Butler. For more information, email nevinshuntingfriends@gmail.com or visit www.nevinshuntingfriends.com.

Legion Memorial Lane, Butler



Lyona Sportsman's Banquet

5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join Lyona Bible Church for their annual Lyona Sportsman’s Banquet on Saturday, March 22nd from 5pm to 9pm. Guest speaker will be Tony Bolton, a nationally known speaker and musician who is also a hunter and outdoorsmen. Doors open at 5pm. Check out area vendors and more. Wild game dinner will be served at 7pm. Tickets are $20 per person. For more information, email lyonasportsmans@gmail.com.

28825 Lyona Road, Guys Mills